mardi 14 mars 2017

Nomad Soul

This colourful painting has two major influences : Mexican art (the reptile sculpture and the sun-moon symbol) and Native Canadian art (the mouth and tongue on the right). I mixed it together and added my own style to it.  The results is made of shiny suns (or planets or maybe stars) with blue and brown abstract shapes. We can also see a lotus, another mouth, a character the head upside down, roots, puzzles stars and a bubble. Then we can read some words. "Despertarse" (wake up in spanish). Because it's highly important not to be a sheep and to fight for one's (human) rights. This is especially true right now. Then "Nomad Soul" in the centre of the painting is an ode to travels. And finally, "Walk With Me", a simple sentence to invite the spectator to "walk in the painting", to be part of it and give it his/her own meaning. As I must have said many times before, I love the idea of "participative art", the person watching the painting beeing a part of it.

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