2012. My third trip to Latin America. After staying a few weeks in Peru, from Trujillo to Cusco, I flied to Chile. At first, I visited its capitale Santiago de Chile where I took the first picture. Graffitis are people's newspaper. People's spokersperson. Democracy expressing itself. For the best and the worst.
The picture with the eye have been taken in Neruda's house called "La Chascona". I didn't know that great Chilean poet until I met Dagoberto in my hostel. He was speaking about music with another guest. As a music lover, I couldn't help from starting speaking with him. Then, he offered me to show me his hometown. After a few minutes I realised that this guy loves so much and knows so well his city that he could be renamed Santiago. After wandering in a traditionnal art market, speaking with nearly everybody we saw in the street and eating great local food, we went to see Neruda's home from outside. The day after, I went to visit it from inside. That's where I took the picture with the eye. I bought there a book with Neruda's poems that remains till this day one of my bedside book. I don't really agree with his political ideas, but his poetry is one of the most beautiful ever written. By the way the movie inspired by his life is a must-see.
The last pictures have been taken in Valparaiso, a city standing on the Pacific Ocean. While I was in Peru, two years before, I saw that great biopic about el Che Guevara (Diarios de Bicicleta). During his trip through Latin America, el Che makes a stop in Valparaiso. When I saw this colourful city - like a bridge between the hills where she has been built and the Pacific Ocean - I suddenly felt the urge to visit it...what I did hardly two years later. Nowadays, Valparaiso is also very famous for its fantastic street art. Inti beeing one of the most famous and gifted street artist that decorated it. An then this strange message on a wall I like but I've never got to really understand.
In 2014, two years after my trip to Chile, I've found on internet a very intersting and colourful picture of a Chilean traditional feast that inspired me so much that I suddenly made two paintings. The second one isn't finished. Maybe I'll do it one day, maybe not.
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