mercredi 25 janvier 2017

Ticino – A trip to the Italian part of Switzerland (part II)

On the first article about Ticino - the Italian part of Switzerland - I commented collages I made out of pictures I took during my trip there. Here are some of the original pictures I used for those collage, plus a few other one. I modified them with a basic computer programme. The first one has been taken at the top of San Salvatore Mount in Lugano. Its blue colour gives it both an old-school feeling and a dreamy-one. It's almost like the blue of the lake and the sky this day invaded the whole picture. The second one is a view from the top of Lugano. The framing is very particular. It gives the sky a lot of importance, as the main element of this picture. The light and its unsharpness make it ethereal and dreamlike. The mountains and the church tower seem to be like bridges between the earth and the sky. The 3rd one is the castle of Belinzona. The black and white reinforces the impression that this castle is ageless, traveling through the time wise as an old tree. The 4rd one is a small chapel like we see thousands in Ticino. It looks like a 60's picture. The two last pictures are kind of psychedelic, like most of my painting. It's an ode to dreams and creativity.

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