lundi 12 septembre 2016

Skulls in Mexican art (acrylic + watercolour + pen + collages)

Since I was a child, I’ve been fascinated by skulls. I know it may sounds a bit gloomy and I personnaly don’t know where does this fascination comes from…but it is the way it is. In 2009, I left Europe for the first time to visit very dear friends in Mexico. What surprises me the most was the omnipresence of art. Not only in museums, not only elitist art. But also popular and very colourful art in the streets, on the walls, in the shops, the bars and the restaurants. Popular art in its purest form. That was a big revelation for me. Democratic art everybody can admire for free in its everyday life. That’s the reason I love street art. But let’s go back to skulls. Skulls are very present in Mexican culture, deeply rooted in pre-colombian believes mixed with catholic religion. Everybody know the famous « el Día de muertos », but skulls are omnipresent in Mexican art also. However, they generaly don’t give you a bad feeling when you see them, because they are used in very colourful pieces of art. I love this idea of bringing the light out of darkness. So maybe my fascination for skulls ain’t so gloomy finaly.

Acrylic painting


Watercolor painting + black pen


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